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Four reasons not to ignore a crack in your window

When a small crack appears in one of the windows of your home, it might not seem like the biggest deal. With dozens of other things ranking higher on your list of priorities, it can be tempting to simply ignore it entirely.

Unfortunately, ask any professional glazer and they’ll tell you that ignoring a crack window pane can become worse. Left to its own devices, it’s entirely likely the crack will gradually begin to spread and cause a much bigger problem than you might initially realise.

What causes a window crack to spread?

There are various contributing factors to spreading, when a crack develops in a window. The most common examples are extremely cold or hot temperatures, or rapid shifts from one to the other.  Anything that comes into contact with the window could also result in spreading, as could the vibrations that occur when opening and closing the window.

Depending on the size and nature of the crack, it may be possible to have it repaired professionally. It may also be possible to ‘patch it up’ on a temporary basis, though this should be done only after consulting a professional glazier.

Do temporary window fixes work?

There are various ways a temporary fix can be applied, just to keep things safe until the repairers arrive. The most common approach to temporarily patching up a window crack is to give it a gentle clean, before placing a piece of clear tape over the crack to hold it together.

Some also claim clear nail polish can be good to temporarily patch up a minor crack in a window, but the effectiveness of this method is debatable.

Do permanent window fixes work?

It’s difficult to determine of a crack in a window can be permanently repaired, without first examining the damage. It depends entirely on the size, nature and location of the damage to your window.

Permanent fixes are not out of the question. But it is essential to have the damage inspected and assessed at the earliest possible stage. The longer you put it off, the more likely it is to cause you an even bigger problem.

Why you should never ignore cracked windows

Here are four reasons why ignoring a crack in a window – even for just a short period of time – is something you may regret:

Window cracks will spread

As already mentioned, it’s entirely probable (if not certain) that the crack will slowly but surely spread. The further it spreads, the greater the extent to which the structural integrity of the window is compromised. Plus, any possibility of being able to repair the window decreases as the crack grows in size. Problems like these cannot go away of their own accord and need to be tackled proactively.

Glass cracks reduce energy efficiency

Windows and doors are the main culprits when it comes to compromised energy efficiency at home. Particularly during the cooler months of the year, even the smallest crack can impact your home’s comfort and energy consumption. Another reason to address any cracks in your windows as quickly as possible.

Damaged windows are a security risk

Cracked windows are the points of weaknesses that opportunist criminals are often on the lookout for. It may seem insignificant to you, but it could be just what the would-be intruder is looking for. If the crack is prominent and located in one of your downstairs windows, it may pose a direct security risk to your home. Call an emergency glazier immediately to secure the window.

Cracked windows are a safety risk

Any type of crack in a window will inherently compromise its structural integrity. This increases the likelihood of the window breaking or shattering in its entirety, for any given reason. Most modern windows are made with safety glass to reduce the likelihood of an accident or injury, but a damaged window at home is still a health and safety risk.

If you would like to discuss our 24 hour emergency glazing service, contact a member of the team at A&C Glazing today.

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